For Tissue Donors & Families
What is a biobank?
A Biobank is a secure facility that hosts a collection of donated patient tissue samples as well as relevant clinical information regarding these samples to support ethically approved research.
Biobanking begins with you – the patient and donor.
Your donated tissue may be used by researchers to aid in progression towards cures for cancers and other diseases or to improve current treatment options.
If you’d like to know more, click here.
How is my tissue collected?
If you are about to have a surgical procedure or a biopsy we will seek your consent to store a small portion from the tissue removed. This will be spare tissue and will not be required for any further diagnostic testing. The collection of spare tissue will make no difference to your planned surgical procedure or biopsy. If there is no tissue to spare, nothing will be donated or stored. If you are about to have a bone marrow biopsy and/or blood test we will seek your consent to obtain about one teaspoon full of bone marrow (if obtainable) and/or up to an additional tablespoon of blood to store within the ARB. If we are not able to collect these volumes, we will take either a smaller volume or no sample at all. If you decide to consent, a technician will provide you with a form to sign and will go through the whole process as well as answer any questions you might have. Consenting to tissue donation will not affect your normal care and treatment. If you decide not to consent , we won’t collect any samples or store your medical information.
Do I have to consent each sample taken?
What if I’m injured during the procedure?
Collecting samples is part of standard care. There is no scope for compensation from the ARB if you’re injured in this way. Your coverage by ACC or the health system will not be affected by donating your tissue.
Is the Auckland Regional Biobank ethically approved?
ARB runs under HDEC approval NTX/10/03/018 to collect and store samples for future unspecified research (FUR). Researchers who need to use tissue as part of their research projects need to obtain additional ethical approval from the Ministry of Health’s Ethics committee to use tissue specifically for that project. Te Ira Kawai’s scientific advisory committee then oversees and approves the release of tissue samples from the biobank on behalf of the tissue donors.
Why do you need information from my health records?
How will my privacy be protected?
Your identity, tissue samples and accompanying health information will remain confidential to the Auckland Regional Biobank staff and ethically approved researchers. Donors and tissue samples will be given a coded number only authorized Auckland Regional Biobank staff can decode. All researchers will need to sign a legal document that says that they will protect your privacy prior to accessing your tissue samples and information.
Do I get paid for my sample?
How might research using my tissue affect my family?
I’m Māori. Why are Māori tissue samples and medical records needed?
Māori have a long history of supporting their whānau and the public good. This commitment is especially important today. Cancer researchers need human tissue — particularly tissue from Māori — to aid in research progression towards cures for cancers and other diseases or to better understand how these diseases affect Māori health .
Te Ira Kāwai wants to improve Māori health outcomes, who unfortunately, have some of the world’s highest cancer rates.
What does this mean for my whānau and me?
Te Ira Kāwai acknowledges and appreciates that Māori have unique cultural and spiritual beliefs related to human tissue, thus as the Kaitiaki/guardian of the donated tissue, we are committed to ensure appropriate protocols and safeguards (both scientific and cultural) are established, respected and adhered to.
You may hold beliefs about a sacred and shared value of all or any tissue samples removed. We recommend you discuss the cultural issues associated with storing your tissue and/or genetic analysis of said tissue with your whānau/family.
Did you consult with Māori about setting up the ARB and taking samples?
We consulted widely with Iwi nationally, regionally and locally during the early establishment of the ARB. We stive to maintain these relationships by continued consultation with Iwi regarding Māori tissue collection and storage as well as genetic testing. This is one of the reasons Tangata whenua is represented at all levels in the ARB.
Find out more about our governance structure
Can anyone donate tissue?
Ethically we are not permitted to collect tissue from people who are not able to give fully informed consent
While there is no upper age limit for donors, participants sixteen years or under are consented using an age appropriate process.
What type of research will be done with my samples?
Your samples, and/or clinical information, may be used in a variety of research projects. Researchers may investigate the cells and chemical make-up in your samples, which could include genetic analysis. Our aim to better understand cancers and other diseases, and help develop new tests and/or better treatments.
Samples will only be available for research studies approved by an accredited New Zealand Ethics Committee or equivalent and our Scientific Advisory Committee.
Can I choose which research project uses my samples?
What if a drug is developed using my tissue?
Will my samples be sent out of New Zealand?
Future research may involve sending samples for study in overseas research institutions. We work only with international institutions that have similar ethics and privacy rules as the ARB.
Will you tell me when my samples are being used?
Will I receive the research results?
No. Research can take a long time and it would be unusual for the results to be analysed at an individual patient level.
What if the researcher doesn’t use all of the sample?
The researcher must return any remaining samples to the ARB to be available for other approved research projects.
What if I change my mind about having my donated tissue stored in the bank and used for future research projects?
You can withdraw your consent and request for your samples to removed from the bank at any time. To withdraw, contact the ARB
We will contact you to confirm the details of your request, e.g. arranging the safe and respectful return or disposal of your tissue sample.
What if I change my mind after my samples have been released?
You can only withdraw samples and accompanying relevant clinical information that have haven’t already been released.
Your normal care and treatment will not be affected if you change your mind.
What if I’m concerned about my rights?
Phone: 0800 555 050
Free fax: 0800 2787 7678
If you are unsure of your legal rights, seek legal advice through a community law centre, Citizens Advice Bureau or your own lawyer.
Who do I contact if I have more questions or concerns?
You can contact the ARB.